Migrating away from Bintray/JCenter when there is no alternative repository TL;DR version If you can’t find a library (Maven dependency) you need for your project after Bintray/JCenter (or another similar… Continue reading “Migrating away from Bintray/JCenter when there is no alternative repository”…
Watch out for large strings crashing your Android app I’ve recently come across a weird and totally unexpected issue while developing an Android app. I bet a lot of… Continue reading “Watch out for large strings crashing your Android app”…
Android ViewModel injections revisited In one of my previous posts I have described how to implement a ViewModel factory that was able to provide… Continue reading “Android ViewModel injections revisited”…
Top 3 reasons why you should start with Android People who start their professional coding adventure, whether they are still studying, just graduated or changing profession, may often hesitate… Continue reading “Top 3 reasons why you should start with Android”…
Don’t fool yourself with lateinit modifier Kotlin language provides a nice and clean way to handle nullable variables in code so that it is less error… Continue reading “Don’t fool yourself with lateinit modifier”…
Implementing in-app language change Android resolves language- and culture-specific resources based on the system locale setting. This is a desired behavior that makes perfect… Continue reading “Implementing in-app language change”…
Microbenchmarking on Android Since Kotlin becomes more and more popular, especially amongst Android developers (and it’s officially supported by Google), some people decided… Continue reading “Microbenchmarking on Android”…
Android Manifest placeholders What are they? Android Manifest placeholders allow you to put variables into the Manifest that is otherwise completely static. Why… Continue reading “Android Manifest placeholders”…
Testing Android ViewModels In my previous post I described how to implement injectable Android view models using Dagger and ViewModel library from Android… Continue reading “Testing Android ViewModels”…
Injectable Android ViewModels In the following post I’m going to show a simple (almost boilerplate-free) yet powerful implementation of the view models dependency… Continue reading “Injectable Android ViewModels”…