Forward compatible enums in Kotlin A few years ago Adam outlined 8 steps to keep your API sane in his blog post which I really… Continue reading “Forward compatible enums in Kotlin”…
Android ViewModel injections revisited In one of my previous posts I have described how to implement a ViewModel factory that was able to provide… Continue reading “Android ViewModel injections revisited”…
Don’t fool yourself with lateinit modifier Kotlin language provides a nice and clean way to handle nullable variables in code so that it is less error… Continue reading “Don’t fool yourself with lateinit modifier”…
Implementing in-app language change Android resolves language- and culture-specific resources based on the system locale setting. This is a desired behavior that makes perfect… Continue reading “Implementing in-app language change”…
Microbenchmarking on Android Since Kotlin becomes more and more popular, especially amongst Android developers (and it’s officially supported by Google), some people decided… Continue reading “Microbenchmarking on Android”…