Injectable Android ViewModels In the following post I’m going to show a simple (almost boilerplate-free) yet powerful implementation of the view models dependency… Continue reading “Injectable Android ViewModels”…
Dockerizing Android builds Docker is a great container platform that helps building a true independence between applications, infrastructure and developers. It provides an… Continue reading “Dockerizing Android builds”…
Creating simple vector drawables in Android Studio Using vector drawables is often much better than bitmap images for two reasons: they scale without losing definition and you… Continue reading “Creating simple vector drawables in Android Studio”…
A few things I like about React Native. And a few I don’t. React Native is still a hot topic at the company. After spending some time with it, many of us have… Continue reading “A few things I like about React Native. And a few I don’t.”…
Securing your Google service account key in builds Establishing a reliable continuous delivery and deployment process is often very important as it might greatly reduce the length of… Continue reading “Securing your Google service account key in builds”…
How (not) to partition your disk The background A few months ago I experienced a weird problem while trying to finish some Android development on my… Continue reading “How (not) to partition your disk”…